Mount Robson, here we come
AUGUST 31, 2006 - Jasper
Today we resupplied our packs with food for one last time before we head out on our last week of hiking to the end of the Great Divide Trail at Mount Robson.
The past week of hiking towards Jasper had me feeling many mixed emotions... the below-treeline, valley walking south of Maligne Lake gave me the trail blues and I felt uninspired and listless as we walked for three days under beautiful blue-sky. While the ever-approaching end of our trip had me feeling excited to finally accomplish our goal, I was also saddened that I would be leaving the mountains soon and no longer be hiking in the Rocky Mountain wilderness everyday...
But my spirits were lifted by our last two days of hiking on the Skyline Trail, one of Jasper National Park's most spectacular and popular backcountry routes.
HELLO to our fellow campers at Tekarra campground on the Skyline: David & Laura from North Carolina; Tim & Larry from Alaska; and thanks to Rich from Seattle for a delicious lunch in Jasper! We wish you all many more blue-sky hiking adventures...
DAY 50: near Maligne Pass

DAY 52: Trekking the Skyline

DAY 52: Mount Tekarra on the Skyline

DAY 52: The Notch (2480m, highest point on the Skyline)

Back on the trail tomorrow... off to Mount Robson and the end of our adventure!