Photo Gallery
Carthew Lakes, Waterton Lakes National Park (DAY 3 - we saw a grizzly bear at the lower lake in the photo)

Paolo & Bev on Tamarack Summit, Waterton Lakes National Park (DAY 4)

Brad on the Great Divide north of Sage Pass (DAY 5)

Christy sliding down Font Mountain ridge canyon (DAY 5)

Christy and Mount Matkin (DAY 5)

All tuckered out on LaCoulotte Ridge (DAY 6)

Christy contemplating the weather on LaCoulotte Ridge (DAY 6)

Christy and Brad (showing off his beard) on Tornado Mountain (DAY 14)

Wildflower zen (DAY 15)

Brad and Christy on the Original Great Divide Trail section (DAY 16)

Hello from Mom. I love your beard Brad. Great picture of you both. Really good to see pictures of you all. We got Tom moved. Christy we have your cell-phone, where would you like us to send it. News from Squamish 4 Aug. Cargo ship hit a pier while leaving the terminal puncturing two holes in the fuel tank. 50 tons of bunker fuel spilled into the water pushed by winds of 500 metres into Howe Sound. I was thinking of our camping trip. Hope you are all well. Miss you lots, Love Mom XXOO
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