The BIG shopping trip
JUNE 23, 2006
This week we went grocery shopping for two months of food for our resupply packages.

Four exhausting hours later, after visiting both Costco and Superstore, our apartment floor is now covered with boxes and bags of pasta, rice, potato flakes, gravy, sauces, dehydrated veggies, dried fruit, chocolate bars, clif bars, granola, oatmeal, cans of tuna, powdered milk, hot chocolate, pudding, more chocolate bars, peanut butter, gatorade and more trail mix than I know what to do with.

The first thing I think is, "will I actually be able to eat all of this food?"
And then I think, "will I actually WANT to eat all of this food??"
It is hard to plan what you are going to eat two months in advance, especially trying to keep it nutritional and appetizing with mainly dried and dehydrated food. But there are some small stores at our resupply points where we can supplement our food supply with some fresh items and of course a few restaurant stops in towns along the way!
We are creating 7 resupply packages, mailing some and dropping off the others on our drive to Waterton Lakes National Park and the start of our trek.
Do they make a delicious dehydrated steak dinner yet??
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