The Adventure begins!
JULY 9, 2006 - Waterton Lakes National Park
After a vacation-like 2 day drive from Penticton with my parents, dropping off our resupply packages en route; Christy and I made it to Waterton Lakes - the starting point of the Great Divide Trail. BIG THANKS to mom and dad for the drive... couldn't have done it without them!!
JULY 10 - After some confusion with the campground attendant, we finally met up with Paolo and Bev around noon just before a thunderous lightning storm lit up the sky and knocked out the power in all of Waterton Lakes townsite (thus delaying this update of my blog until now). We waited the storm out until 3pm and then set out on our first day of the GDT... only a 7 kilometres day, but with a full pack of food it was enough!
JULY 11, 11:30 AM - Our first Grizzly Bear encounter!
With Bev (who is most afraid of bears) in the lead, we ran into a young, non-agressive Grizzly near Carthew Lakes this morning. But after we made some loud noise he ran off up the mountain side and we were able to continue on the trail without much delay (just enough to capture him on video!)... and then a few hours later I nearly walked into a mother black bear and her 2 cubs as I climbed uphill with my head down! But once again the bears hurried away and we continued hiking onwards.
The section of the GDT in Waterton Lakes National Park was outstanding. Great trail, spectacular views and other than the first-day storm we've had warm and sunny weather most of the way. The mosquitos and flies have been less forgiving, appearing in squadron-force in some of the river valleys and we've all had a few strains and pains, blisters and backaches but all in all a great start to our adventure!
Where's the pics, kids?! Bev going hand-to-hand with baby bear would be timeless.
Looking forward to the updates, but even better if you were all having such a great time there was no time to get on t'internet.
Woah there, Mowgli.
As you might have heard the weather is so hot and sticky and thought of you all on Saturday when moving from room to room was a chore.Sorry to hear about the bear spray incident but glad you are with a great team to get you back on track.Hope you all are keeping well besides the aches and pains.Keep up the good work.
Shotgunvanny (Vanessa)
......we shared some campfires....we shared our mace stories, painful at first...funny now....and the highest elevation on the GDT...was it still unnamed? or is it Bargens pass? Hey Harry from Penticton. I hope you two will percevier and accomplish your goals. Looking forward to your posted video. Bruised but recovered, Penticton
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